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Pregnancy and breastfeeding 

The body of pregnant and lactating women places high demands on a sufficient supply of calcium. The intake of this mineral is essential for the proper formation of the bones of the fetus.

 If pregnant and lactating women do not receive enough calcium, it is released from the reserves stored in the mother's bones. During pregnancy, the mother's bones are thus exposed to the constant movement of calcium from the bones to the blood and back. In case of insufficient supply of calcium, there is a risk of accelerated osteoporosis in the mother and the formation of a thinner skeleton in the fetus. there is also the formation of dental caries in the mother by decalcification of tooth enamel.

Calcium in the body 

Under normal conditions, there is a balance in the bone between the breakdown and construction of bone tissue, but an imbalance can also occur temporarily, which is typical for the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding. The intake and absorption of calcium from the intestine increases vitamin D. 

calcium ions are an important part of the blood clotting process, they participate in the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin and also affect the activity of blood platelets.

Calcium is also important for maintaining the proper functioning of the nervous system because of neurotransmitters.


Calcium also regulates the contraction of smooth and skeletal muscles, in the heart muscle it regulates the contractility of the heart muscle and affects the time and force of heart contractions.

It is in the blood to maintain homeostasis in the body, primarily to ensure cardiac activity.

Calcium in pregnancy


In the third trimester of pregnancy, absorption of active calcium transport increases in women. This event leads to active calcification of the fetus


  • Vitamins A, D, C

  • Protein intake

  • Acidic pH in the intestine - with an acidic reaction, calcium salts are more soluble

  • Lactose - that's why milk is a suitable and easy-to-use source, which is also helped by the adequate content of fats and proteins

  • The presence of bile acids and some amino acids

  • Body movement

Specifics in pregnancy and in the breastfeeding period 


During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the calcium balance must be adjusted to the high calcium requirements of the mother and the fetus. The total content of calcium in a woman's body is approximately 1000 g, of which 99% is stored in the bones. An average of 30 grams is needed for the proper development of the fetal skeleton, while 2/3 of this amount is accumulated in the body of the fetus during the third trimester of pregnancy.

During pregnancy, a large amount of calcium is transported by the placenta, and the mother's mineral metabolism must cope with the growing demands of the fetus for calcium intake 

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, there is a relatively large amount of calcium that is released from the mother's bones. Even if the mother's organism tries to restore the significant losses of calcium in the bones after the end of breastfeeding, this situation encourages the use of preventive measures in the sufficient intake of calcium and magnesium during pregnancy and breastfeeding in order to limit the destruction of the bones to a minimum and thus prevent the development of osteoporosis.

Natural calcium

A pure natural product that is suitable for use during pregnancy and during BIOMIN, as, which contains calcium, phosphorus and magnesium with high bioavailability.

This biopreparation is prepared from the eggshells of healthy chicken eggs. The above biopreparation contains calcium in the form of calcium carbonate, magnesium in the form of magnesium salts and phosphorus in the form of phosphate salts. The ratio of individual elements in the product from BIOMIN is the same as in the eggshell.

The advantage of the mentioned preparation is also the fact that it does not contain any auxiliary substances, it is a biological preparation, therefore it is completely safe for pregnant and lactating women.

It is free of sugar, milk/lactose and gluten and is therefore also suitable for diagnoses such as diabetes, lactose intolerance, celiac disease, Crohn's disease or Phenylketonuria.

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