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How to prevent vaginal yeast diseases


Genital inflammatory diseases are more common in women than in men. The reason is the anatomical structure (communication of the external genitalia through the vagina, uterine cavity and fallopian tubes with the abdominal cavity) and the physiological function of the reproductive system (menstruation, sexual intercourse, childbirth and the puerperium). Miscarriages and frequent intrauterine procedures further increase the risk of inflammation. 75% of women of childbearing age will overcome the Candida yeast infection at least once in their lives, approximately 40-50% of these women will suffer from candidiasis twice, and about 20% of women can find Candida without signs of the disease. Overall, the incidence of candidiasis has recently increased markedly. Under normal circumstances, there are defense mechanisms in the vagina that prevent Candida from growing, such as lactobacilli, which serve to maintain an acidic pH (acidic environment is an important defense mechanism), can compete with Candida for sugar utilization (all yeasts grow well in moist, environment with an excess of sugar) and therefore reduce their access to food. Lactobacilli can also form substances that inhibit the growth of Candida in particular. Thus, the normal vaginal flora creates its own defense mechanism against infection. Why is candidiasis such a stressful disease? It is a common disability that has no serious medical complications and yet is a source of considerable distress for many women. Most inflammations affect both the vulva and the vagina, although they can only affect the vulva. Classically, they are most often manifested by itching or burning and discharge, which may or may not occur. When it occurs, it is odorless and its consistency is sparse to thick and curd. Pain, redness, swelling and urinary problems may also occur. There are factors that greatly increase the likelihood of inflammation, and if we can avoid them, we will also reduce the risk of developing infection.


Predisposing factors:

1. Pregnancy Throughout pregnancy, the vaginal mucosa is more susceptible to yeast infection, with the highest number of infections occurring in the third trimester. Higher levels of sex hormones increase the level of sugar in the vagina, which improves the conditions for the multiplication and growth of Candid.

In case of pregnancy, it is always advisable to find a doctor in case of difficulties, who will recommend the most suitable treatment that is gentle for both mother and fetus.
2. Hormonal contraception Similar mechanism to pregnancy - higher doses of sex hormones mean a higher incidence of yeast infections, especially in older preparations containing higher doses of estrogens. Candidiasis occurs in the case of the intrauterine device, etc.
3. Diabetes Especially in untreated diabetes. It is especially important for diabetics to follow a lifestyle, doctor's advice and prescribed diabetes treatment.
4. Antibiotics Probably the most common reason for the occurrence of candidiasis is the widespread use of broad-spectrum antibiotics, most commonly the use of tetracycline, ampicillin and cephalosporins. Antibiotics in the body not only destroy the harmful bacteria that cause diseases, but also the "friendly" ones, such as lactobacilli. If you often have yeast infections and are forced to take long-term antibiotics, ask your doctor for appropriate precautions.
5. Unsuitable clothing Nylon underwear, tight jeans - increase the temperature and humidity of the genitals. Give preference to cotton underwear, looser trousers, do not stay in wet swimsuits for long and always wipe carefully.
6. The use of rinses, perfumed toiletries (soaps, deodorants), swimming in chlorinated pools increase the incidence of infection. It is important to use soaps with neutral pH, to avoid perfumed soaps, perfumed pads, excessive use of intimate sprays, unnecessary rinsing, which was not recommended by a doctor.
7. Sexually transmitted diseases , HIV.
8. Treatment with corticosteroids (eg in the treatment of conditions such as asthma, arthritis, acne and eczema), estrogens in hormone replacement therapy, immunosuppressive therapy.
9. In some cases , partner infections. In about 20% of women who repeatedly suffer from candidiasis, Candida can also be found in their partner (true, the incidence is mostly asymptomatic). If you suffer from frequent infections, use a condom. If your partner has difficulty, he or she should see a doctor. Sexual intercourse is not recommended during the suspicion or treatment of yeast infections.
10. Trauma causes damage and inflammatory reaction in the vagina. Sexual intercourse is the most common cause of vaginal injury. Friction in the soft, soft and inflamed vagina and vulva can prevent healing. Sperm, due to the alkaline reaction, can change the vaginal pH, creating an environment conducive to infection. If you experience discomfort or pain during intercourse due to insufficient vaginal moisture, use lubricating gels.
11. Menstruation In a large number of women, the development of recurrent candidiasis is directed in the middle of the cycle. Evidence suggests that the hormones used just before ovulation affect the vaginal ecosystem and thus create a favorable environment in which Candida can only bloom. Again, it is important to avoid perfumed pads or pads with a synthetic surface, pads need to be changed frequently and preferred over tampons.
12. Menopause Estrogen secretion is declining and this leads to a reduction in vaginal sugar content and thus seems unlikely for candidiasis to recur. However, even during this period, women are prone to vaginal infections because the vaginal walls shrink, secretion decreases, and the vagina becomes less slippery and more vulnerable. It is recommended to use the mentioned lubricating gels during sexual intercourse. When using hormone replacement therapy, it is recommended to follow these hygiene measures
13. Dietary errors Excessive consumption of sweets helps recurrent yeast infections

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